founding committee
Dr. Sebastian Demyttenaere
Program Director
Assistant Professor
Department of Surgery, McGill University
Alexander Lachapelle
Founder and Coordinator
M.D., C.M. Class of 2018
McGill University
Xin Mei Liu
Researcher and Coordinator
M.D., C.M. Class of 2019
McGill University
how sead started
SEAD at McGill University started in 2016. The founding committee developed and organized all aspects of the program. Tasks included creating its curriculum, finding partners, recruiting a team of student coordinators and faculty leads, preparing the detailed schedule, organizing the day-to-day activities, facilitating feedback and evaluation, and measuring the program’s impact through an innovative research project.
The organizers would like to thank the McGill Department of Surgery and Surgical Undergraduate Education Committee
for their support. They also wish to thank Nada Gawad, Dr. James Rutka and the University of Toronto for their help in
setting up the program, and for sharing several resources that were key in the organization.